Wednesday, September 28, 2016


It's no secret that we love Halloween around here! The first weekend of every October my sisters and I would kick off our favorite month with a visit to the haunted house and a pumpkin brew. The pumpkin patch, zoo boo, and our annual Halloween parties always followed. However, many states now separate us so it's time to make a new tradition.

To continue sharing our love of all things Halloween I made two BOO boxes that are going out tomorrow with my nieces and nephews names on them just in time for October 1st!

This year I simply spray painted the inside of the boxes black and used glow in the dark spray paint to write BOO. I then added glow in the dark spider web and a bunch of Halloween goodies from Target Dollar Spot. Glow in the dark necklaces, stickers, a coloring book, monster band aids, gel clings, bath goodies, and Halloween Oreos. I can't wait for them to open these soon and I already have next years box planned!

Have a fun and spooky filled kick off to October this weekend!!

For more of my party ideas, home decorating, favorite recipes, twin activities x 2, and all things
"Mrs.Party Planner" please check me out on facebook and "like" the page. New blog posts will appear in your news feed.You can also follow me on, on Instagram and Pinterest


  1. They are going to LOVE their boxes!!!

  2. This is so cute! Your nieces and nephews are going to love them! I have been trying REALLY hard to avoid buying too much Halloween candy but I might break down and get some for a box to send my best friend.

    1. Thank you Lauren! I'm sure she would be thrilled to get it 😊

  3. Halloween is my favorite holiday - these boxes are such a great idea! My mom still sends me holiday care packages from time to time and she includes fun stuff like this for me even though I'm an adult - I refuse to grow up, lol!!

    1. Thank you Jessica! And I know the feeling, my mom used to sneak into my apt. In my early 20's and leave an Easter basket, I loved it!

  4. What a great idea! They are going to love it! I remember a very special Halloween make your own necklace box that your Mom once sent Amara. Great minds!!!

    1. Thank you KC! They did! I got cute pics and videos from them. Oh no kidding?! 😊
